Sunday, March 6, 2011

Oh Rob Bell...

Through youth group and summer camp, I was exposed to the popular Nooma videos and Rob Bell as a result. I've always been intrigued by Rob Bell and found his videos to be pretty solid spiritually, but with the upcoming release of his book, "LOVE WINS: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived," my confidence in his ability to rightly divide the Word of Truth has been done away with. As I watched this video, it amazed me how heretical some of the things were that he was saying. It amazed that someone who is considered a figure point of modern day Christianity could be so far from the truth. As I further contemplated on the message of the video it reminded me just how necessary it is to be anchored to the Word of God regardless if we "like" what the Bible has to say about God's redemptive plan for mankind.